Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 14

Sorry for the delay ! I was away for the past few days and before that I was just getting lazy.
By the way follow on twitter- Twitter.com/SeanDugan2

The Miami Heat were willing to offer Allen Iverson 2 million dollars per year to take on his services this year. I think that the entire world is in for a surprise. Just years ago this guy was one of the best scorers around and I think he hears all the nonsense going around about him being done. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets in the gym this summer and comes out next year shutting up everyone. I expect the Old, or you could say Young, AI next year. They say the Clippers will be offering the full MLE and that is more near acceptable.

As a Nets fan this story excites me. Dan Patrick asked Shaq on ESPN 1050 if any moves this offseason surprised him, and he only had 1. The only move that he said was surprising to him was the magic trading Courtney Lee, saying that he was going to be a star, and repeated the word star multiple times. I knew he was going to be good but Shaq reassuring me makes it that much better, good to hear it out of the mouth of the most dominant center to ever play the game.

Lamar Odom and the Lakers are apparently starting to move apart in their negotiations. Lamar, don't do what Ariza did. You want 10 mil, they are giving you 8 which is as much as anyone will. Take that money and stay in your home, where you just won a world championship. What ever happened to team loyalty? What ever happened to sticking with a team through thick and thin? I think that Odom should be honored to come back to this team and get paid 8 million.

The Utah Jazz are reportedly looking into taking out a bank loan in order to keep Paul Milsap. I don't know if this is 100% great or 100% hilarious. It is kind of pathetic, and kind of shows other NBA teams what they should be doing at the same time. They don't want some other player, they just want their guy back, which I can respect completely.

A golf course that exists in 2 different time zones? And not because it starts near the border of them. The course is 848 miles long and takesabout 3 or 4 days to complete. You get a certificate for completing it. Insane idea, but I would love to do it, thats one of those things that when you finish it you are just able to say for the rest of your life "I finished an 848 mile golf course".

I'm currently watching the AL domination g.... I mean the All Star Game. So tune in if your interested in seeing a one sided rivalry. So im out, thats all for today, peaceee.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5th

Took a few days off, been pretty busy, sorry for the delay.

Not too much has happened in the NBA the past couple of days. The Ariza for Artest switch was interesting. People act like artest is such a big drop off from Ariza. I don't know what makes everyone think Ariza is such an all-star, he was a decent player that did what every decent player does in the triangle offense does, hit the open 3's he gets and had some nice fast break plays which to his credit he does better than most. But people need to realize, Artest can hit those open 3's, he can definitely play defense and he will take the back seat to Kobe, those two are good friends and he knows how good Kobe is.

This free agency is interesting, a lot of players are looking to leave their teams, but there aren't enough buyers out there. Milsap is looking to be out of there but it appears no one is willing to give him nearly the salary he wants. Same goes for David Lee. I would still love to see the Jazz keep Milsap and sign and trade Boozer to the Nets.

Some sources say that Kidd intends to stay in Dallas, but I do not think he has made his decision. If I was him i would suprisingly actually go with the Knicks. Regardless he is not winning a championship next year(Sorry Mavs fans but its not happening), and theres only one of those 2 teams that offers a chance to have 30 million dollars in cap room for the glorified 09-10 free agency. He would also get to run again in Mike D'Antoni's offense, and he would be living in NYC where his kids live.

But everyone is missing something:

This is the year to buy! All of the other decent teams are waiting until next year, hoping to get Lebron, Wade or Bosh. Lets get this straight, the chances of getting Lebron James are so small. Same goes for Wade and Bosh. Teams like the Thunder and Grizzlies need to be jumping on the Paul Milsaps and David Lees of the world. Those are players that will have an immediate impact and could improve your team so much over years. The Thunder could be a legitimate contender by next year if they add David lee and another decent free agent. A lot of the coveted players next year are going ro probably end up signing extensions now, and won't even end up being free agents, and some teams are going to be left with 20 million dollars in cap with nothing to do with it. The Pistons had the right idea. Forget the small chance of Lebron or Wade that we have, and lets get some hard nosed guys who give us depth and a chance to win right now. I love Joe Dumars because he seems to know how to put together teams. If you look for guys with heart, you can't go wrong.

I watched tennis today, for the first time in a long time, and I must say, that match was insane. I don't have much to compare it to but that must be one of the best matches of all time. I feel bad that Roddick had to lose, it seemed like he was ready to take it a few times and then fell back. What can you do though? Someone has to go home without a trophy.

Thats all for today

Thursday, July 2, 2009

July 2nd

So it's official. No matter what happens in the rest of the off-season, the Pistons have put themselves in a position to compete this year, creating a 4th team that can actually compete with anyone in the East. Last year, the Magic, Cavs and Celtics were pretty much not going to be beaten by anyone. This sets up the Pistons with a whole bunch of guys that go out and fight every night, and a whole bunch of offense. Rodney Stuckey, Rip Hamilton and Ben Gordon is one of the best back-courts in the league. I can't wait to see how this team fairs this seaso with their new products.

Trevor Ariza leaning towards leaving the Lakers? The boy needs to grow up. If he left he would only make about 1-2 million more than on the Lakers, and in L.A he is playing for his home team, and a team that just won the championship. He is being childish by looking to leave. They try saying you only have one or two chances to bank in during your NBA career, but you could even even less chances of being able to stay with a championship team. Ariza, take the MLE and keep this team together.

The Celtics did not make a qualifying offer to Leon Powe. I am very surprised, he seems like the kind of guy that could have given you a lot off the bench, compared to the amount of money they would've had to pay him. I can see the Rockets pursuing him hard, and even though this is biased I could see the Nets jumping on the opportunity to pick up a good big man without using the entire MLE.

Cavs and Lakers are fighting for Ron Artest. Makes sense for the Cavs, but the Lakers should be fighting to keep their core together. Getting Ariza and Odom back should be the #1 priority in L.A, and until then they shouldn't even be discussing other additions as anything other than a back up plan.

Rafer Alston was beyond ecstatic about becoming a New Jersey Net. He proclaimed that he could not wait to put a Nets jersey on. I find it hard to believe, but I love this guy already. This is the kind of attitude that the Nets need. This man just got traded from the Eastern Conference Champion Orlando Magic to the lottery New Jersey Nets and he is acting happy about it. If he can have a positive outlook in this situation, the entire team has no excuse but to be positive all season long.

The Knicks are reaching out to Grant Hill and Jason Kidd. Someone needs to send a memo to the Knicks, this is not the wa you rebuild a team. They keep trying to rebuild, and at the same time pick up veteran players to try giving themselves a chance to compete. If you want to rebuild the correct way, you have to strip down the team, sending away every veteran player you have and get as many draft picks as possible. The last team to rebuild correctly was the Portland Trailblazers and it worked out very well for them. The Wolves also did it and it appears that it is beginning to pay off now.

Shawn Marion is apparently underwhelmed by offers he is receiving. He hasn't done anything the past 2 seasons so he should be happy he is getting offers. Why get Marion where you could get Linas Kleiza for less than half the price?

Thats all for now, see you guys later

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1st, the beginning of FREE AGENCY

Happy Free Agency Day! Today is the day that NBA players can begin discussing deals with NBA teams. So much news to discuss.

Reports are that Ben Gordon should have a done deal by the end of today, and Charlie V is soon to follow. The Pistons should be ecstatic right now, and have made the smart move. Why wait for the "glorious" 2010 Free Agency, which does not guarentee you that you get anyone, when you can go out right now and improve your team this season. There is always that chance that these teams can pick up Lebron, or Wade, or Bosh, but chances are, you are not going to get these players and when you don't you are going to wish that you picked up Milsap and Gordon and Villanueva when you had the chance to. These moves would leave the Pistons with a team full of heart and full of guys who aren't afraid to go out and get dirty.

Boozer decided to stay in Utah Blue for one more year but this move may prove to be purely economical, because it appears that the Jazz are looking to trade Boozer, in order to keep both Okur and Milsap.

The Mavericks are set to offer Kidd 8 million per year in a multi year contract, and the Knicks are a less competitive team offering less money. Good try New York, try again next year. Meanwhile lets see what the Blazers, Cavs and Lakers have to offer Kidd.

Brandon Bass is being discussed by the Mavericks, Nets, Hornets and Magic for sure, along with other teams. He will probably demand at least the MLE, and would be a good fit for any of the teams that have showed interest in him. He will grab boards and show some desire down low. Being a Net fan I can only hope we can forget about 2010 for a minute and pick up someone to make us competitive now.

Apparently I hear the Knicks made a qualifying offer of 2.9 million to Nate Robinson. This is a slap in the face if you ask me, Nate can get a good 7 million a year if you ask me.

Turkoglu to meet with Nate McMillan tonight, and set to see the Blazers training facility later this week. That looks like a done deal. Rudy Fernandez is apparently upset about Turkoglu coming in but he needs to learn to get over himself and to go out and play hard, if all works out everyone will get their time.

Boston interested in Anthony Parker. I really like the Celtics going into next year. There is still plenty of talent there, and they apparently are ready to spend a little bit of money if necessary.

That is all for right now, today I might even post twice, depending on what happens in the next few hours.