Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1st, the beginning of FREE AGENCY

Happy Free Agency Day! Today is the day that NBA players can begin discussing deals with NBA teams. So much news to discuss.

Reports are that Ben Gordon should have a done deal by the end of today, and Charlie V is soon to follow. The Pistons should be ecstatic right now, and have made the smart move. Why wait for the "glorious" 2010 Free Agency, which does not guarentee you that you get anyone, when you can go out right now and improve your team this season. There is always that chance that these teams can pick up Lebron, or Wade, or Bosh, but chances are, you are not going to get these players and when you don't you are going to wish that you picked up Milsap and Gordon and Villanueva when you had the chance to. These moves would leave the Pistons with a team full of heart and full of guys who aren't afraid to go out and get dirty.

Boozer decided to stay in Utah Blue for one more year but this move may prove to be purely economical, because it appears that the Jazz are looking to trade Boozer, in order to keep both Okur and Milsap.

The Mavericks are set to offer Kidd 8 million per year in a multi year contract, and the Knicks are a less competitive team offering less money. Good try New York, try again next year. Meanwhile lets see what the Blazers, Cavs and Lakers have to offer Kidd.

Brandon Bass is being discussed by the Mavericks, Nets, Hornets and Magic for sure, along with other teams. He will probably demand at least the MLE, and would be a good fit for any of the teams that have showed interest in him. He will grab boards and show some desire down low. Being a Net fan I can only hope we can forget about 2010 for a minute and pick up someone to make us competitive now.

Apparently I hear the Knicks made a qualifying offer of 2.9 million to Nate Robinson. This is a slap in the face if you ask me, Nate can get a good 7 million a year if you ask me.

Turkoglu to meet with Nate McMillan tonight, and set to see the Blazers training facility later this week. That looks like a done deal. Rudy Fernandez is apparently upset about Turkoglu coming in but he needs to learn to get over himself and to go out and play hard, if all works out everyone will get their time.

Boston interested in Anthony Parker. I really like the Celtics going into next year. There is still plenty of talent there, and they apparently are ready to spend a little bit of money if necessary.

That is all for right now, today I might even post twice, depending on what happens in the next few hours.

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